01244 506 877  |  info@cath.org.uk

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31 08, 2017

We’re all stitched up!

Have you heard the one about 5 medics and a lawyer? We know, it sounds like a joke but this talented set of people make up the group Jazzectomy. They recently played the bandstand at the riverside specifically to raise money for our charity. Through the coming together of medical and legal professions, both in perfect

29 08, 2017

It’s in the bag!

We had some fantastic National Citizen Service (NCS) young people in recently. NCS is a multi-staged programme for 15-17 year olds that aims to build work and life skills. They raised money in Chester city centre and used their funds to put together some great toiletry sets for users of the centre. They should all be very proud of themselves.

4 02, 2017

@cathcharityshop on Depop

The donations of clothes to us from the community are legendary and we are so lucky to have such generous people around us….sometimes though, we get so much great stuff we literally run out of room! Then we have the problem of items that are too small, too big or just too vintage… but we’ve

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