
Annual Sleepout 2023

On Friday 24th November 2023 from 21:00-06:00 we will be hosting our annual Sleepout at the Harold Tomlins Centre.

Fancy helping us raise money? Get yourself sponsored to complete our sleepout! To do this you will need to be registered by emailing our team at: info@cath.org.uk

We will then email you the info you need. Don’t worry we’ll also send you a list of items you will need to bring for the sleepout.

All participants will be sleeping in the stewarded car park next to the Harold Tomlins Centre (our day centre) which will be open throughout the night for warm up periods and use of toilets.


Amazon Wishlist

If you are interested in finding out what items could be useful for the homeless of Chester then please visit our Amazon Wish List. You can have your gift shipped directly to Chester Aid to The Homeless or you can use it for inspiration for your own care packages. If you would like us to acknowledge your gift, please include your name and address in a note field when you check out, so it will print on the label.  Thank you!


30th Sleepout – 2nd Of December 2022

On Friday 2nd December 2022 from 22:00-06:00 we will be hosting our 30th Sleepout.

Fancy helping us raise money? Get yourself sponsored to complete our sleepout! To do this you will need to be registered by emailing our team at: www.info@cath.org.uk

We will then email you the info you need. Don’t worry we’ll also send you a list of items you will need to bring for the sleepout.


CATH’s 50th Anniversary

Thank you to everyone that attended our 50th Anniversary on the 22nd of September! We are very grateful for those that took the time to celebrate our progress and achievements through the years. We would like to say thank you to Mike Whitfield who attended on behalf of his mother Lavinia Whitfield who passed away this year. She is a massive part of CATH’s history and one of the driving forces behind the charity.
Special thanks goes to the Panini Press Chester. They are a local business near The Harold Tomlin Centre who provided a beautiful afternoon tea spread for the occasion.
Photo: Bob Rudd (Sheriff), Annie Buckland (Honorary Guest), Dr Juliet Carroll (Vice Chair of the Board), Robert Whittall (CEO)


Chester Charities launch Tap-to-Donate Scheme

A contactless donation scheme which aims to put an end to homelessness in Chester has been launched on World Homelessness Day.

Payment terminals will be set up in the city where people can tap to donate £3 with the money being distributed between three Chester charities; Chester Aid to the Homeless (CATH), Share and Soul Kitchen.

The ‘End Homelessness’ scheme will be hosted by The Chester Bluecoat Charity who will ensure that 100% of the money donated will go directly to support homeless people in the city.

The scheme has the full support of Chester BID and Cheshire West and Chester Council, however full governance will stay with the fundraiser, The Chester Bluecoat Charity.

Allocating the money will always be agreed together so that the most is made from the funding received to help those experiencing homelessness and a full report will be made annually by The Chester Bluecoat Charity for the public to see, to the last penny, where their donations have been used.

For more information email endhomelessness@thechesterbluecoatcharity.co.uk

or to donate directly to our partner charities go to:

Soul Kitchen


Find us

01244 506 877

Harold Tomlins Centre
24 Grosvenor Street