01244 506 877  |  info@cath.org.uk

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21 04, 2022

Women’s Safe Spaces Chester

Are you a woman who would like extra support? If you are street homeless, living in temporary accommodation or vulnerably housed please drop into any of the sessions below where you will find support and care in a women only environment. Women’s Safe Spaces Chester Tuesday 11am-1pm Sharehub Wednesday 1pm-2pm St Werburgh’s Practice Thursday 1pm-2:30pm

10 07, 2017


The Hand is one of a number of pieces on display at an up and coming well being festival on the 19th July at Grosvenor Park. The festival, Head, Heart and Hands, is a joint venture between CVA and CATH, and aims to raise awareness of wellbeing issues for support networks. The five fingered masterpiece was created by CATH

24 05, 2017

Art, Cook & Eat

Art has featured food for thousands of years and food is recognised as the culinary arts, so it makes perfect sense to combine the two and create an engagement session that combines both worlds. Art Cook & Eat (ACE) sessions at the day centre capture the imagination and appetite of a spectrum of our clients.

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